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tv   [untitled]    December 23, 2012 2:00am-2:30am EST

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some other part of it and realized everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm trying hard welcomes the big picture. as the most law looks about to take hold in egypt following the final round of voting on a new constitution opponents are accusing the muslim brotherhood of rigging the ballot to cement its power. primary school killings in connecticut sparked fears abate over whether america has a lot of guns has gone too far with manny demanding stricter control over those who can't bear arms. bahrain sees more police brutality and arrests for speaking out as the opposition described the situation in the gulf kingdom as a tourist political crisis. and tit for tat lawmakers in moscow give the go ahead
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to ban u.s. adoptions of russian children in response to washington slapping sanctions on russian officials. it is alive and i am in the russian capital you're watching r t with me wearing a joshua welcome to the program. early results from the final round of voting in edge of struggle referendum suggests the new constitution is likely to pass it follows nearly a month of protest where the latest vile outbreak being in the country's second largest city of alexandria journalist bel true has more from the capital cairo. we're going to the results in egypt's contentious constitutional referendum egypt appears to voted for the constitution sixty four percent say yes. thirty six
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percent have said no this comes after mass dissent in the streets across the country with a cast three weeks against this constitution opposition forces say in force a presidential dictatorship and was drafted by an islamist dominated assembly of the twenty seven governors that went to vote in the last week only three voted against the constitution. this in the last round is largely due to the fact that in the last seventeen governance there were three votes a large amount of them are rural governorates who with large muslim brotherhood supports places their opposition forces for their part say that the reason it is a yes is because of electoral violations they say they've seen a number of instances of possible vote rigging including missing judges and their own supervised polling stations missing ballot papers stuff the ballot boxes and also campaigning by the muslim brotherhood groups also ultra conservative salafist
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groups with in the polling stations telling people to vote yes the biggest news of the day however is the resignation of the vice president mohamed mickey this is largely seen to be perhaps because in the draft constitution as it currently stands there is no post for the vice president this comes in the background of deepening violence across the country on friday we saw clashes between rival protest groups limits rallies in egypt second city xandra in support of the constitution there was rock throwing and also burning of cars the police had to intervene with tear gas that comes just one week after a similar clashes and xandra and of course three weeks after very bloody scenes here in the capital cairo we saw ten people die. when rival protest groups. force outside the presidential palace with a deepening political crisis and neither side backing down now the constitution is likely to be put in place we can only expect dissent on the streets and possible
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violence across the country living alone on the revolutions and israel's ground balls to secure its future as a maelstrom of uprisings leaves a jewish state surrounded by a less than friendly neighbors that's coming up shortly here until. a moment's silence and the last victim laid to rest it's one week since twenty children and six down canal of a primary school were killed in one of the worst mass shootings in american history the tragedy has sparked fears debate on gun control laws with mattie saying it's too easy for the public to access military grade weapons are just going to count found out if america is now ready to change its treasured second amendment. a week after the tragedy at the elementary school in newtown president obama made the same pledge as when he became president four years ago to try and get assault weapons off the streets of the u.s.
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it's a pledge he has failed to deliver on this is not the first issue the first incident with gun violence of your four years. were you there but the administration indicates this time it's different this time they're serious it will take commitment and compromise. and most of all it will take coach shooting this boy it's a school and it's an important part of our hearing the debate taking place at the moment suggests a national consensus on the issue is far down the line and the dialogue between those who support and those who oppose such a ban comes down to this with guns come safety if the guns are in the hands of the good guys if you not believe the stupid man on the powerful special interest group in washington the national rifle association has successfully fought any form of gun control legislation for years and the solution they offer to the epidemic of gun violence that has plagued the us is more guns. the only
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thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun constitutional lawyer roger pilon thinks along the same lines and suggests arming teachers to prevent massacres like the one in newtown connecticut you're always going to have people who are going to be doing these kinds of evil deeds what you need to do is protect yourself against the weapons in schools and you go to a movie theater you have to carry a gun because there will be there maybe someone with a semiautomatic you know wiping out the entire theater. as we have seen is that what you're suggesting. why do you put it provocatively like that what i'm suggesting people movie theater yes because the police cannot be everywhere they're almost three hundred million privately owned firearms in the u.s. around ten thousand americans die in gun violence every year the gun murder rate in
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the u.s. is almost twenty times higher than in the next twenty two richest and most populous nations combined. we have three hundred million guns in america but also the population of three hundred million people so it's one gun per person and more guns are actually the solution to deterring shootings of any trial and it would have this problem in the first place the gun adam lanza used to kill twenty young children and six adults at the sandy hook elementary school was an a r fifteen semiautomatic rifle it's a military style rifle that can shoot hundreds of rounds at a rapid speed in the last two adams mother who he also murdered nancy lanza a teacher at the same elementary school owned six guns numerous types of assault weapons are readily available for purchase in the u.s. at gun stores at gun shows and online after the newtown tragedy many americans are calling for change again. make it in here would make it worth something we could
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meet. because you can't predict that you could create change previous meaningful attempts to change a wall and that wall is the second amendment of the constitution the right of the people to bear arms skeptics say the most the administration can do is require background checks at gun shows but again adam lanza's mother a teacher at an elementary school would have probably passed any of those checks and her military style rifle would have ended up in the hands of her son anyway that constitutional lawyer i spoke to seemed very certain that nothing major is going to change when it comes to gun laws in america does that mean more massacres like the tragedy newtown in washington i'm going to check on. bahrain has seen massive anti-government protests this week with the opposition saying the country suffering the worst political crisis in its modern history they accuse the monarchy of gagging the voice of the people with one of the top activists arrested and
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charged for tweeting about monday's really a man report about police using tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse demonstrators the monarchy has repeatedly been criticized by human rights groups for its crackdown on the opposition movement eighteen people have been killed thousands arrested and some reportedly tortured during the almost two years of unrest the same doll from americans for democracy and human rights in bahrain says there's only the losing of pressure on the kingdom. but recently they came under tremendous pressure from the united states to open up their political systems to start to see it as a lock to reform the political situation however no such serious steps has been taken for example we still see attacks on peaceful protests we still see political prisoners not the release torture still taken place human rights violations are taking place on daily basis there is a clear double clear double standard as wants comes to us foreign policy in the
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region especially rain and syria where the rise violations are committed them behind on daily basis however we hear no condemn nation from the united states. while israel's aggressive settlement policy has left it isolated on the world stage the arab spring has laughed at short of france in the middle east surrounded now by a less than welcoming as long as governments some israelis remember fondly when despots ruled the region reports. there's a storm brewing in the middle east and it's leaving a chill in the hearts of most israelis say what you might about the arab spring it poses an obvious problem for television zaman and so we've seen just a few weeks ago. plenty of missiles falling when israel form a radical. i dream and we see. already the
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beginning of maybe a christian war in the golan heights we see plenty of the angels in the mediterranean sea israel's backyard has become a lot more dangerous in the last two years weapons from libya are leaking across borders and landing in the hands of unknown militant groups the trouble ahead is symbolized by the muslim brotherhood sweep to power in egypt from this rally in june an ominous promise by the movement to make to slim and not climb over the capital at a minimum what we'll see is the free flow of weapons money and supplies from egypt into the gaza strip we will see egyptian volunteers going into the gaza strip to fight that's the minimum moving up from there the possibility of egypt israel war is by no means impossible but it was democracy that both the muslim brotherhood to power and our deal both israel and the west came to espouse but both are now waking up to the reality that things might in fact have been better under the previous
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dictatorships at least for them we had a difficult situation but at least we had the contact you know with the leadership secondly president was committed to the peace process. the situation today is that we are confronting a new president who belongs to a certain institution a certain woman which do not believe in the right of israel for existence. is rated leaders know all too well that whatever friendships however useful they have with arab leaders it doesn't alter the basic freight posed by an arab awakening that in most countries is empowering militant islamic groups we will expect that these governments will one day we will both pressure not only on the friends of we feel also these. the new changes in that aboard the democracy is that is emerging in the board will have
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a tremendous challenges and. in order. to establish a real democracy the need some time but television fears that in the time it takes for that democracy to really take root and for the arab public perhaps one day to accept a jewish state relations with its arab neighbors will get far worse before they get better and the challenge now for his weight is twofold to avoid inflaming arab public opinion while protecting israel and also to counter the growing to speak many israelis feel of a growing isolation in an increasingly volatile neighborhood. tell of of for still high but not just surrender after six months holed up with a worried amnesty in london whistleblower joins us on promises to release millions of confidential documents leaving no governments and the world out of fact at.
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last reunion in space the ice asked welcomes its latest crew man after a two day journey with a space walk am more than one hundred scientific experiments have examined her short break stay with us. divine power in action activate the saccharine. i am me she says we need these we are under the control of those governing us before at the service of a space mafia i found that on that they can make me think field of the sun will be for us to do that will create the super gusto. after the second
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coming it will be a beautiful place it will receive its spirit disco glory it will be a renewed world and it will be a beautiful place. full of professed. you'll stop this type of ammunition. it's good business for us it's kind of like being a doctor you know if there's a disaster businesses. better unfortunately. choose your language. because we know in the federal they still cannot.
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choose that the consensus here can. change the opinions that you think are great to . choose the stories that in time life choose me access to often.
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it welcome back you're watching r.t. coming to live from moscow russia is one step closer to imposing a total ban on adoptions of its children by u.s. citizens as the lower house of parliament has given the green light to the motion the ban is part of wider legislation targeting those who abuse the rights of russians abroad moscow's responding to washington's travel and financial restrictions on russian officials suspected of involvement in the death of lawyers
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their game needs he died in custody during a massive tax fraud investigation three years ago president william reported however says the u.s. lacks the moral standing to accuse others of human rights violations. our us are partners and their lawmakers say they are concerned about human rights in our prisons and that's fine of course but there are plenty of issues they have themselves abu ghraib and guantanamo where for years people have been detained without charge it's inconceivable to the prisoners walk around in chains like in the middle ages they've legalized torture inside their own country if something like that happened here it would cause an international outcry if you put it all remains quiet in the us we've heard plenty of promises to close guantanamo but it's still there it's still operating maybe there is still torture going on there secret cia prisons has anyone been brought to account and they're pointing at our problems
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well thank you we're aware of that making this the ground for passing anti russian laws it's something absurd and we have a no way provoked such action. i'm using now the statement comes as part of live report and say have you year a q. and a marathon with the media will be bringing you more highlights next hour stay with us. and we have the lowing website is ready to release a vast drove of new game changing information concerning every government in the world that was one of the points join the saundra made as he addressed a crowd of journalists and supporters from a quid or an embassy in london this week the whistleblower mark six months since he was granted asylum there he says he intends to stay there until the threat to his wife posed by the u.s. is gone we can leak spokesperson christine happens and says the website is ready for a for want information war against washington. well we know about the ongoing. investigation
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and the secret grand jury you know something and there is. an ongoing attempt to find an angle to bring charges against julian and possibly all those working for we as a very serious matter of course very shameful for the obama administration not to stop that for the man who was right even taken four years ago to increase transparency and what we have seen is. the opposite which comes against whistleblowers. that has no business in history who will continue our work as we have done despite the difficult situation that you has been in in the ecuador embassy you know for six months but problems with your house arrest that hasn't stopped us we have continued our work. the economic blockade has not stopped us either even though we are getting into a dire situation financially but that's a battle that we have decided to turn into well all out war and i'm sure we have
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a victory there as well in the new year. to pakistan now in a suicide bomber has blown himself up during a political rally leaving nine people dead and these are. the scenes of chaos in northwest pakistan after the blast a march was held by the awami national party part of pakistan's governing coalition more than twenty people injured in the attack were ferried to local hospitals a prominent local politician a member of the group died of the explosion the party's support secular ideas and has repeatedly been targeted by the taliban. residents across england have found themselves wading through the streets after torrential rain there caused flooding in the southwest regions of devon and cornwall have borne the brunt of the severe weather emergency services have been overwhelmed as houses have been damaged and roads taken out flood warnings are still in place in the area. well it's been a two day journey into space for the latest addition to the international space
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station crew since they blasted off from the baikonur cosmodrome in kazakstan they joined team members already on board the ice says after their capsule successfully docked with the station spacewalks and more than one hundred scientific experiments are planned to keep the crew busy for the next five months artie's dumbarton is more on the goal of the latest mission. a farewell on guitar music was in the air is the next cruise the international space station said the last goodbyes to earth it will be in the cockpit to says the ice s. is next commander chris hadfield and actually when we're sitting on the launch pad inside our soyuz there will be music playing both to to warm up our bodies and to warm our hearts well the music will be a comfort there is months of work ahead on the station. i asked us missions like technical and scientific symphonies on to see for the mission and for their spirits
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these crew might be better things nice. for the families this time is as nerve wracking as it is exciting chris hadfield's wife say she'll still feel connected to him while he's up there again for music but like really if you're here if you like to be playing so much music because music is it you good part of it life and it works part of the life so they were sure that no play lots of stuff for me to say so yes there's a spec corner only i assessed for a trustee guitar. but being away from home at the most special time christmas surely that is hard to cope when i'm up in space that i start to feel homesick i'll probably do what i do on earth and that is to. to open up my guitar and. and play songs that are important to me we shouldn't feel too sorry for chris thomas as well as enjoying music they'll be able to look down on
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earth as we celebrate so it's seasons greetings from last week sounding spacemen merry christmas happy new year. tom watson r t baikonur has extended. following the recent hype of the mayan predicted eye of the world we look at those who managed to turn a profit from the apocalypse and just a few minutes. remaining in this tree even for specialists a voice can produce several sounds it warms. the art of throat singing comes
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naturally picked up like a language. a language of communicating with nature it said that's where throat singing originates from the unions believe not only animals but also around objects like reverse forests and even stones of souls imitating the sounds they believe can capture the power of nature. there are special instruments that accompany the singing guinea says there is even a legend about his instrument a gill it says once they leave to poor shefford who had the best horse that won every competition but jealous people killed the horse was revived as an instrument . that was it of so pitiful is because of the spirit of the horse going to his
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dream he said make an instrument from a tree the sounding board from the leather of my face the strings. and to remember me make an engraving of my head part of the instrument he did so i called the instrument again which means come back and this melody and these schumann. it's called croix. to fly as one of the most famous groups in the republic their next goal is to tour broad they say for you are opinion since difficult to pick up and sing so i asked them to teach me and see if i can do it. cheerily said there were. chen oh you shared them out of that was sure to say can i know who it was you think gang are woke. up. but now it
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is the and moody part of the song and not the actual throat singing which i wouldn't even dare try to repeat. so maybe you have to be born here to be able to sing like this i thought so until i met she looks like a deveny and i don't even speak their language but she is from japan. most of us too far in mind so that you come from two hundred years ago and feel so happy here she's not planning a professional singing career but she keeps practicing just because it's become part of her nature. it's a job but it's also a religious vocation that's pushing her to constantly find new ways of developing her business. today she visited this could even the denver area.
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it's a more than three kilometer deep maze the spot is for sale and robin is thinking about buying it for the construction of more underground shelters if somebody was to light a fire someone in here what about the ventilation with the smoke or something like that you probably would want to get yourself back in a small room with a fire or anything like that but when something like this we get close to an entrance there's a lot of here when you probably be all right ok. if you think it's a good survival it's not because i do a cave like this we could easily howls a thousand or so people and me so it would be a great project a great resource to have. for robin it's the perfect place but her family seems a little less enthusiastic would you like to be going to cave like this if it was like mandatory. but if i had a choice. but according to robin the girls will surely not have the
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choice because according to her the end of the world science is already well and truly visible starting with the crumbling of christian values in our modern societies if you go one bookstore or one movie star friends sense how many of those books and how many of those movies do you think that jesus christ himself could watch. and that'll tell you how many things are going to get burned those things need to be cleansed out of the world for him to be a part of it again so he's going to come back there's going to be a cleansing process the millennium for so that tells you how bad the world could possibly be. living quarters for a large family in a bunker being sold up to two million euros. to meet the demand real estate projects like these are sprouting up all over the united states. just a few months ago larry hall was building sky.


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